LBC has terrific news for online sellers. LBC is launching the Cash on Pick-up (COP) P80 Pasabog Promo. Starting on June 1, 2019, until August 31, 2019, LBC will charge a fixed rate of only 80 pesos for LBC COP transactions of shipments up to 3 kgs.!
LBC’s COP regular service rates are competitive and are designed to provide value for money for each buyer and seller. With the upcoming COP P80 Pasabog Promo, online sellers and buyers have the opportunity to take advantage of the cheapest and most affordable service rates of any logistics provider in the country.
The LBC COP P80 flat rate offer is applicable for the following LBC parcels and boxes: N-Pack Small, N-Pack Large, KB Mini, KB Slim, and KB Small. This fixed rate applies to valid shipments coming from any domestic origin going to any domestic destination. A minimum charge of 15 pesos will be added as a valuation fee and may increase depending on the declared value of the shipment.
Through LBC COP, online sellers immediately expand their reach in the market as they gain access to LBC’s more than 1400 LBC branches nationwide as pick-up points and payment centers for their buyers. LBC COP facilitates the “Kaliwaan System”, making transactions safer and more secure for both buyers and sellers. LBC COP also makes online sales transactions faster and more convenient for buyers and sellers because they can count on the speed and reliability of the LBC brand.
The COP P80 Pasabog Promo is a way for LBC to thank their legion of customers and a way to show their commitment to continuously innovate and evolve to support Filipino online businesses.
For more information, visit
*Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 10157 Series of 2019. Promo runs from June 1 to August 31, 2019