This pandemic has been with us for over a year now and it seems like we will not see the end of it yet. NOT in the very near future. With the emergence of a new variant which is more contagious and aggressive, what can we do to protect ourselves from being infected?
This new strain Delta, which originated in India, sweeps rapidly into our system destroying our cells thereby risking our lives. The majority of doctors agree that Delta will certainly accelerate the pandemic.
From what I know, people who are fully vaccinated are somewhat protected from contracting the virus, and people who are not are really at high risk of getting it. Especially if they are not following safety protocols. But judging from the recent news, some fully vaccinated persons still contracted Covid. So, what gives?
I am privileged to have been a part of a webinar entitled ” The Chain of Survival – from Primary Care to ICU” facilitated by Dr. Zen’s Inc. about a drug that has proven its effectiveness against Covid 19. And the speakers who are esteemed doctors shared their own experience and knowledge about Ivermectin (IVM) which for me now, is what we need to combat the virus.
For the benefit of everyone, I will make this as simple as possible without mentioning medical words and phrases an ordinary Juan or Pedro may not understand.
What is Ivermectin?
This drug has been on the market for some time. I personally haven’t heard of it until now. Why? Because it is an anti-parasite drug specifically for animals. And the government did not approve of using IVM for the treatment or prevention of Covid 19 even though there are facts attesting to its effectiveness. No to human consumption? I can even remember Mr. Raffy Tulfo questioning our Health Secretary Duque on his resistance to using IVM for Covid 19.
What does Ivermectin do once taken? It inhibits the virus from getting into our cells. Let me just share some slides from the webinar to show you how IVM works and the role of vitamins and minerals in the treatment of Covid 19. In these slides, you will see Dr. Martin Gill, an ENT Surgeon from South Africa.
Meanwhile, Dr. Jackie Stone from Zimbabwe shares her own insights on Ivermectin and how her patients recovered dramatically after administering IVM.
Dr. Stone has a very practical approach to Ivermectin. And survivals on patients in Zimbabwe after taking IVM is simply unbelievable!
For both doctors, the combination of all those vitamins, minerals, and drugs is a sure winner in combatting this virus. Hit it hard, hit it early, and hit it with the right combination therapy, Dr. Stone said.
By nature, people are skeptical when presenting something new. I am guilty as charged! But after watching this webinar, I was hit really hard.