Growing up, we were not actually taught how to eat the right food. I know none of it as my Dad spoiled us with having mostly meat served on the dining table. And if ever we would go to my maternal grandmother, we would beg our parents to NOT feed us with those leafy green vegetables. Ewww!
But along the way, especially when my Dad was diagnosed and eventually passed on due to colon cancer, I thought that if I do not want to suffer the same fate as my Dad, and to live longer to be with my son, I have to change my eating habit. Today, due to the environment we are in, I’m glad I was able to instill this healthy practice of eating veggies to my son.
And, I am glad to have been introduced to Healthy Fresh Organics store.
Healthy Fresh Organics started 2016 as an online grocery store for fresh and certified organic produce featuring fruits & veggies, poultry & eggs, meats, smoothies among others mainly sourced from certified organic farms in Benguet.
I was able to try their Fresh Organic Salad and their Fresh Smoothies. My son (being a healthy buff) and I loved it, so I’m 100% sure you will too, Mommshies!
For more information please visit